Thursday, September 27, 2012

Locked In

Two blogs in one week.  But this is definitely worth sharing.

This is what happens when you lead a book study called "UNGLUED"

Wednesday, I left work, and had about an hour before I needed to be at church. I was facilitating a book study, on Lysa TerKeurst new book "Unglued".  I dropped off the mail, and decided to head to the park to look over some notes.  On the way to Herrin Park, I passed the new sports park and decided to pull in there.  I had never been to the complex before and decided to drive through it.

It was much bigger than I expected with a great walking path.  At the back of the park was an empty parking lot, so I pulled over, parked, rolled down my windows, put my seat back and spent some time rereading the first couple of chapters, about how God could change my reactions to raw emotions.

Then it was time to leave for church.  Brett called as I was leaving the park.  We had a conversation, he said something that made me mad, and set me off, so I hung up on him.  Not something I have done in awhile, and not something I am proud of.  Especially not two weeks into a study on how not to come unglued.  But I did.  Sorry Brett, that was uncalled for.

As I pulled up to the side exit of the park, I noticed the gate was locked, not unusually I had noticed that gate locked many mornings on the way to work.  So, I backed up, turned around and headed to the main entrance.  But, when I reached that gate, it was also locked..  Twenty minutes before I am suppose to be at church I am locked in a park.  I started to panic.  I got out, and double checked that there really was a lock, not just a chain around the gate. I drove back through the park to see if there was anyone still in the park.  I was stuck, locked in with no way out.

I tried calling Brett, but remember I had hung up on him.  I tried Brittany she didn't answer.  I called Chris he was already at church.  I called my friend Kim, since she lives close by, but she was at a visitation in another town.  She suggested calling the Herrin police.  Then Brittany called back, she was just leaving work so I asked her to pick me up on her way.  She text me two minutes later and said, "I just have to tell you I am laughing out loud in my car."

While I was waiting on Brittany, I called the Herrin police.  The officer, trying really hard not to laugh, said I will call someone to come unlock the gate.  I said that would be great, but I have to be somewhere in 15 minutes, can someone meet me at 8:00 and unlock it.  He said I will have someone call you at 8:00.

Brittany got there still laughing, and we laughed all the way to church.

I got to church with two minutes to spare.  Then I had to come clean with my group of ladies about my "unglued" last hour.  The first chapter of this book talks about imperfect progress.  Slow steps of progress wrapped in grace.......imperfect progress.  The progress here, "I didn't slip with a chain of words I shouldn't have said" and "I didn't come unglued on the police officer about why someone didn't drive through the park to check and see if anyone was still there."   Slow steps.

2 Corinthians 10:5  "We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ."

Oh and someone did meet me at 8:30 to unlock the gate so I could get my car.  After I had to call the police station twice.  By the second time the officer was cracking up laughing when he heard my voice.  Moral of the story don't come "unglued" and hang up on your husband.......    
Thanks for reading!!!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Hilary Clinton was right

Brittany informed me today I hadn't blogged in awhile.  So decided it was time.  I have them floating in my head or scribbled down on paper I just haven't put one on the blog for awhile.

Hilary Clinton was right or at least partly right.  She said it takes a village to raise a child.  I think it takes a church to raise a child.  Or at least I see in my kids it took a church.

After spending a couple of days in Gatlinburg with our four kids (well our two kids, son-in-law, and future [11 days] daughter-in-law), I  realized how much I really enjoy spending time with all of them.  How fortunate I am.  I am thankful for the way they turned out - did you catch that?  I am THANKFUL for the way they turned out, not proud.  Don't get me wrong I am very proud of them.  But I am not proud in the way of, "look how great my kids turned out" or "Brett and I did a great job" proud.   I am just proud of the people they are.

Brett and I were so young and so inexperienced when we had Brittany and Chris.  There are times when I wonder how they even survived.  I mean literally how they survived.  We had no idea what we were doing, and add to that, we were living away from all of our family during that period of time.  So the church really did play a major part in their lives.

God really did bless us with so many people who helped "raise" them.

From very young ages they had wonderful  women in the nursery who loved on them.  Miss Louise who taught them very early on "Jesus loves you."  Women like Miss Jane who fed them cookies for two weeks solid during VBS.  All those great VBS helpers, Lou and Irlene, Helen and Hobert, people who just loved on them.

As they moved up to the children's area they had people like Miss Wrozier, and Ron and Pat Berger, who taught them about Daniel, David, Noah, and Joshua, Jesus and his ministry.  People who had their own busy lives, but were willing to build a strong, solid foundation, into the lives of our kids.  They had people like Lou Richardson who taught Chris and Adam respect for what church is.  Not just the building but the people.

And through all those years there were the Lunn's, Pastor and his wife, building in my kids right along with their own.  Jeff at church through sermons, and Jan, through all those musicals.  Teaching them about serving God through worship and song.  And not just at church, but also in their home, my kids spent so much time at their house with Amy and Adam.

Then as they got into youth they had awesome leaders.  People like Nancy, John and Elaine, Charlie and Judy, and Dennis.  People who made youth events, overnights, and retreats a place my kids wanted to be.  Yet, in the middle of the fun they were teaching and building life principles.  Principles about how to have a walk and a personal relationship with God.  They were learning on mission trips about how to love and give to others.

So, as I sat with my kids this weekend and I listened to Brittany tell great stories; an art learned at the feet of a master story teller.  And I listened to Chris question and analyze different situations; built from a confidence of debate, I was reminded and thankful for "the village" of people who helped Brett and I raise our kids.  THANK YOU to all of those mentioned above, and those many others who are not mentioned.

Proverbs 22:6 says "Raise up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it."

Thanks for reading.