This weekend Brett and I went to Springfield, MO to celebrate my Father-in-laws 80th birthday. Great weekend. First because I got to spend 11 hours traveling in the car with Brett. There was a day when I would have said let me fly anywhere I have to go. I still like to fly, but lately road trips in the car with Brett have become one of my favorite things, because they are full of laughter.
One of the things I have always loved about Brett is the fact that he can make me smile and make me laugh. No matter how angry, mad, or sad I might be he can always say or do something to make me smile. I know that sounds simplistic, but it really isn't. It is really about balancing me. No matter what is going on he can take that structured, disciplined, anal retentive, part of me and make me crack. That's what I love, that he takes that part of me and balances it out with that carefree, you can't change it, make the most of it part of him.
I realized this weekend in hanging out with Brett, his siblings, sister in law, his Dad, and his wife Martha where it comes from. It comes from Jack and I will be forever grateful for that.
When you hang out with the Sapp clan you better bring your "A" game of wit, word games, and play on words. Your best one liners and snappy retorts. That is just to keep up with the conversation, if you want to participate you better bring your "major league" game. If you know the Sapp's you appreciate the baseball reference there. Go Cubs - this is our year.
Even with some health issues Jack was still able to keep up with them this weekend. That's when I realized it comes from him. When he apologized for not being more entertaining. Jack has always been full of stories, interesting comments, and one liners. He spent his career in radio, so he is the ultimate entertainer, and I have always enjoyed listening to him.
While Jack went to rest for awhile Sunday, I sat in the living room with all of his kids. I listened to them.. They are all so quick. They come back without ever missing a beat. They bounce one liners and words off each other so fast it is like watching a tennis match. And they are all ultimate story tellers. You laugh until your sides hurt.
As I sat there I thought, and I realized, that it isn't just Jack's four kids. I thought about his family, and realized that this gift also trickles down to his grand kids. Our kids and their cousins. When you get this whole group together your head is spinning trying to keep up. These kids are all ultimate story tellers, all quick witted, with a great sense of humor. They are all entertainers. What a great legacy to leave in your kids and grand kids. What a great gift to pass down from generation to generation.
As you celebrate your actual 80th birthday today Jack here is my favorite Jack Sapp memory.
One of the best memories I have of Jack is from our wedding rehearsal. We were at the church for practice. I had only met Jack a few times, because he lived in Chicago. I didn't know him real well. We were all in some "discussion" I don't even remember regarding what. Something as simple as which aisle we should enter. The church didn't have a center aisle only two side aisles. So I think everyone had a different opinion on whether we should go down the left or right aisle. I remember feeling stuck in the middle, that I was going to make someone mad when I choose. Jack looked at me and said "kiddo this is your wedding, your day, you get to make the choices." I knew from that moment on I was going to like him. And I was right I not only like him, I love the honor of calling him my Father-in-law.
Happy Birthday Jack!!!!