I went back and forth on the fence about whether there was anything biblicly wrong in getting one. I couldn't find anything that said there was. I went round and round about if I was too old to get one. Then, that new less people pleasing, part of me said go ahead. I didn't have any of the normal fears of pain or needles. I figured if I could have two kids I could handle the pain of a small tattoo.
But I didn't want to go it alone. Since I started talking about it I have been recruiting people to get one with me. Tory, Elaine, Angie, Kim and Brittany, the only one I was able to convince who was here, when it came right down to time to do it was Brittany. We went and got our ear cartilage pierced together when she turned 18, so it seemed only right to do mother/daughter tattoos together.
I have known since I started talking about getting one what I wanted. I wanted the Twila Paris song title "Daughter of Grace" on my foot. There were two purposes in this tattoo. One to be a constant reminder to me that I am a daughter of grace, I am a daughter of the King. And two as an opening when people see it, and ask what it means, to share part of my testimony.
God uses music and lyrics so often in my life, and this song was one of those times. In 1999 I had three events that started a journey of healing and grace for me. In July of 1999 my Dad passed away. My parents divorced when I was young so my father and I didn't have a real close relationship. So, his unexpected death caused some regret and guilt in my life. September of that same year, Brittany was diagnosed with a tumor on her brain. All ended well but for the first time in my life there was something I couldn't fix or control. A month later Brett was laid off from his job, another event that I had no control over and made me realize where I was placing my security.
Those 3 events knocked me for a loop. Maybe, I wasn't in as much control of this perfect life I had created, as I thought I was. I received a Twila Paris CD that year for Christmas. We had started a Christmas tradition with the kids that on our 2 day, 350 mile Christmas trek we listened to all new CD's. So, on the trip from Marion back to St Louis at about midnight Christmas night we were listening to this CD. Actually, Brett was listening to it. The kids were asleep and I was in and out. But, I did catch the words to this song, and I sat up and replayed it. I remember thinking this song is my life. "She spent half her life working hard to be someone you had to admire. Met the expectations, then added some of her own, so proud of all that she had done, where was the glory? So proud of all that she had not done."
I listened to that song to and from work for about a month. I would sing those words to God and cry all the way. Through those tears God began to speak to my heart. He began to show me, that it didn't matter what I had done, or hadn't done. He still loved me. It didn't matter what I did, or didn't do in the future. He wasn't going to love me any more or any less. I began to realize that in the same way salvation is a free gift, so is grace. It isn't something we can earn or loose. It is mine for the accepting. That song changed my relationship with God, and it changed my life. So, it seems appropriate to wear it on my foot. "Born for a second time in a brand new place daughter of grace."
If you have time play the video and listen to the words of this song. Thank you God for salvation and grace. Thanks Brett for the CD, and thanks Twila for a great song!!