For 51 of the last 55 years every Christmas dinner has been spent at my Grandmother's house. The first year Brett and I were married we lived in California and couldn't make it home, the year Brittany was born, the year Chris was born, and one year I know I was sick. (there may have been a few more, but those are all I can recall).
This year was different because this is the first year of those 55 my Grandmother was not there. In fact if I figured right this is close to the first time in 80+ years she has not spent Christmas in that location. Two different houses but same spot. This was her 100th Christmas, statistics say being born in 1916 gave her a 1.3% chance of seeing 100 Christmas's. What a rare opportunity.
She was in the hospital this Christmas and it changed the dynamics completely. It's one of those things that was a standard, that was predictable, that you took for granted would always be there.
At 54, I am aware of how fortunate I am to still have a Grandmother. In fact over the last year I have been grateful for the chance to spend some really precious time with her. I was fortunate in the fall to spend 3 or 4 hours alone one evening sitting and talking with her. Hearing stories about her life. I also had the rare privilege at Thanksgiving to sit and listen to my kids ask her questions and hear her share stories. To listen to them laugh together. I have had the chance over the last week to spend time sitting with her in the hospital. At times she has been confused but there were still many hours to listen to stories. To watch that stubborn, strong will of hers help her bounce back.
With the changes also come questions. As a believer I know I am suppose to not question. I know I am suppose to trust God's timing, trust God's plan. Just when I am getting a handle on one area, God takes me to the far extreme on the other end, and once again I am saying God I don't understand, I can't see the whole picture. God has been teaching me about timing for a few years now (I am a slow learner). But, in birth, in life, in death it's God timing.
I don't understand why it takes years for some people to have children. I don't understand why some people's lives seem to be cut way to short, or why some people's bodies out last their will to live. But I do know the one who does know, and all he calls me to do is trust. To trust in his timing, to trust in his plan, to trust in him.
So for now I will cling to the one who holds time in his hands and enjoy those precious days, months or years that lie ahead.
Acts 1:7 He said to them, "It is not for you to know times or seasons that the Father has fixed by his own authority."
Merry 100th Christmas Grandma!