Tuesday, July 26, 2016

36 reasons I love my Husband

Mr and Mrs. Brett Sapp

36 years of marriage, and 8 years of  friendship before that.  Brett entered my life when I was 10 years old. I could never have imagined when I first met this blond haired, dark eyed boy, that  years later I would have spent most of my life with him.   But I have and it has been an amazing ride.  So, to commemorate those 36 years I am listing 36 of the top things I love about this man.

1.   That he makes me laugh every day.  Even when I don't want to.
2.   That he still has those beautiful dark eyes, that I feel  can see into my soul.
3.   That he is an amazing Dad.
4.   That he still says "hold me"
5.   That he is a man of integrity.
6.   That his hair is now salt and pepper.
7.   That he has great calf muscles.
8.   That he has a servants heart.
9.   That he loves the beach as much as I do.
10. That he knows how to say I am sorry.
11.  The laugh lines around his eyes.
12.  That he still thinks farting is funny.
13.  That he is a hard worker.
14.  That little kids, dogs and old ladies love him.
15.  That he sings in the bathroom in the mornings when he is getting ready.
16.  That he takes forever to brush his teeth.
17.  That he is a great leader.
18.  His passion for celebrate recovery.
19.  When he reaches for my hand in the car.
20.  Vacation Brett.
21.  The way he looks in a baseball cap.
22.  Sleeping next to him.
23.  The way he always tries to second guess what I want when we are making a decision.
24.  That his glass is always half full.
25.  That he is a cubs fan, so I know he will never give up on me.
26.  His smile.
27.  His obsession with making sure the yard is mowed.
28.  That he loves his Mamma.
29.  His desire to please God.
30.  His love of chips and ice cream, not together.
31.  The sound of my name on his lips.
32.  That he never says anything about how much money I spend or how much I shop.
33.  That he gets me a tea every Sunday morning on his way to church.
34.  That he is a very generous and giving person.
35.  The way he swings his arms when he walks.
36.  That he has made the last 36 years an amazing journey!!!!

Brett - Thank You for the young man you were 36 years ago on this day.  Even more thank you for letting God transform you into the amazing man and husband you are today.  I cannot wait to see what the next 36 years holds for us.  Love you to Pluto and back (because it is farther than the moon).  

1 Peter 4:8 "Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins."

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Bed Bugs - Yikes

Recently Brett and 4 of his leaders had the chance to attend the Celebrate Recovery Summit in Tennessee.  This is an annual training event to meet with thousands of other celebrate recovery leaders. A chance to share ideas, get recharged, hear great speakers, listen to a great band.  They all came back charged up with new ideas to take them into the next year.

Brett actually had a very new experience this year.  He encountered bed bugs at his hotel the first night.  The hotel was quick to move him to another room and give him instructions on how to get rid of them.  Needless to say I was not excited about the thought of him bringing any of his new "friends" home with him.

When he arrived home I did all but make him strip down on the front porch and throw away all of his clothes.  I wanted to do that, but didn't know if the neighbor's would think it was such a good idea.  He did immediately throw all of his clothes in the washer and put his suitcase on the deck for 3 days. Thank goodness for the 90+ degree weather.

While reading up on bed bugs I found some similarities between bed bugs and Satan.  Imagine that.

First, apparently bed bugs do not like the light and will disappear if you turn the lights on.  Think about it.  Satan hates the light.  When we shine the light of God's word on our lives, with the truth Satan takes off running.

Second, according to Brett you don't feel bed bugs biting during the night.  You only discover they were there the next morning when you break out with itching bites all over you.  Satan is also sly that way.  He bites with a lie, you might not notice the first bite but then you can't leave it alone.  It continues to itch and fester till you scratch it.  Leaving a sore and maybe a scar.

For me that can look a number of ways.

The lie - because some lady at a baseball game when I was 12 thought I was a boy I now look in the mirror and a lot of times don't like what I see.

The lie - jealousy - I want her life, I want her talent, that should be mine, why doesn't God give me what I want?

The lie - Finding my self worth in the things I do, or what people think of me.

You have to treat to get rid of bed bugs, we have to treat to get rid of Satan.

First step you have to remove the bed bugs.  You have to strip everything away and spray for them.  Same way with Satan you first have to strip everything away, admit you are a sinner and turn to Jesus.

Then you have to treat the bites.  You have to put some type of cream or salve on them.  Same way with the lies.

The lie of how I look - God says I created you, and you are beautiful to me.

The lie of jealousy - God says I have a purpose and a plan for your life that I have for no one else.

The lie of self worth - God says you are mine and I sent my Son to die for you.  Your worth is found in ME and ME alone.

Bed bugs are a horrible, crawling thing that scatter when the light comes on.  Satan is a horrible, crawling thing that scatters when we shed the light of truth from God's word on our lives.

Live in the light and you avoid the bed bugs.  Live in the light and you avoid Satan's lies.

Ephesians 5: 8-9 "for you were formerly darkness, but now you are light in the Lord; walk as children   of the light - for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness and righteousness and truth."

Needless to say "Don't let the bed bugs bite" has new meaning at our house.