Monday, August 22, 2016

As I read in Colossians this morning, I camped out on the following verse. Colossians 1:11 "We also pray that you will be strengthened with all his glorious power so you will have all the endurance and patience you need.  May you be filled with joy, always thanking the Father."

Paul knew this path would be trying.  He knew from experience that these people, these fellow believers in Christ would need endurance and patience.  He prayed those things for them.  What a great thing to pray for our family and friends, endurance, patience and joy.

As I read that verse this morning I sat and mediated on it a while.  I sat in my living room with the washer, dryer, and dishwasher all running and two dogs barking.  I remember thinking there is nothing quiet about this moment.  And God spoke to my heart and said the quiet isn't about the noise or lack of.  (Though sometimes that does make it easier.)  The quiet and stillness are about the condition of your heart.

Is your mind already running in circles?  Are you already stressed about the day?  Are you already making list in your head of what needs done today, this week?  Are you anxious, are you worried?  If so, no lack of noise is going to change that.  You have to find the quiet within, in the deepest parts of your soul.

I continued to think about that on my way to work.  I said God that quiet is easy to find here in my car, all alone, listening to christian music and talking to you.  But what about when I get to work?  When a phone call comes in with an issue I have to deal with.  When a driver doesn't like a run he is on.  When I brush up against other people and things don't go as planned.  When someone says something that I don't like or that hurts my feelings.

God said remember when Brittany and Chris were little and you would lay out their clothes for the next day?  How it made life easier because you didn't have to deal with those decisions in the morning?  God said I have already laid out your plan for the day.  Nothing is going to take me by surprise.  I already know what is going to happen, I have already laid out the day.  There is no reason for you to worry or stress.

My next thought was, what will I do all day with that time I would have spend worrying and stressing?  God said what I created you to do.  Worship and praise me.  Spend time listening to others.  Take time to notice others, to stop and give a smile, to be kind and grant grace to those around me.

I never thought about how much wasted time I spend each day worrying and stressing about things I really can't change or  have no control over.  Francis Chan in his book "Crazy Love" says worry and stress reek of arrogance.  What a true and convicting statement.

My goal this week to find the quiet.  Not the lack of noise quiet, but the quiet that comes from a life that not only says God I know you have this, but a life that lives that out.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

"I QUIT" From The Mouth of Babes

First of all, I have to describe DJ to you.  He is about 3 feet tall, cute as a button, full of energy, the most expressive facial expressions I've ever seen, and a genius in my eyes.  Oh, and did I mention he is 4 years old, (I think).  Anyway, a couple of weeks ago I passed him and his Mom in the aisle at church.  I asked "DJ how is it going?" He replied, "I quit church!" His Mom explained that he had not gotten his way, and his response to that was that he was going to quit church.

I said "DJ, you don't want to be a quitter do you?"  He said "No but I still quit."

I laughed because DJ almost always makes me laugh.

But DJ's response has stuck with me over the last couple of weeks.  Different people have expressed that they were quitting things in their lives and I thought of DJ.

DJ's response was no different than most adults response.  When something doesn't go our way, when we are not happy with an outcome, when things get too hard, we simply decide to quit.  We quit on dieting, we quit on exercise, we quit jobs, we quit marriages, we quit ministry.   And even as adults like DJ we quit church.

But quitting is not what God calls us to do.  There are many verses in the bible that talk about not quitting.

    Colossians 1:11 "Being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you 
    may have great endurance and patience."

   Galations 6:9 "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a 
   harvest if we do not give up."

   James 1:12 "Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial."

God knew this life would be hard, that's why there are verses to encourage us not to give up.  

Think about it. I am sure there were times Jesus wanted to give up.  When the people were pushing in, the crowds kept coming, he was tired and hungry, but he didn't quit.  When the disciples spent years with him and still didn't get it, he didn't quit on them.  

Most important, the hardest trial in his life, the cross.  He didn't give up. He didn't quit. Even though he could have.  He saw it through, and because he did, you and I have the promise of eternal life.

What is it that you are contemplating giving up on right now?  Your job, your spouse, your health, your sobriety?  Don't do it! Don't give up!  Don't be a quitter!