My friend Elaine text me the weekend before her daughters wedding. She was in just a little bit of a panic. You see, her and her husband John had done this awesome thing. When they had Whitney, they each wrote a letter to her while still in the hospital. A letter to give to her at some point in her future, telling her what they had hoped, and dreamed for her life. They decided her wedding was a good point to do that. The problem, over the years the letter had become misplaced.
The text said, this is it. I am tearing the house apart this weekend looking for this letter. I got random text from her over the weekend, telling me about cool things she had come across. It was kind of a neat walk down memory lane for Elaine. A chance to reminisce and relive Whitney's life over the years. She also came across a school project Whitney had written, one where she had to write a letter to her future spouse. Elaine did come across the letter, and decided to include the letter Whitney had written also. What a neat legacy to be able to give your daughter on her wedding day. To be able to show her that on the day she was born you were praying for a Godly life for her. Wish I had thought of it. Maybe I can steal it as a future Grandma idea.
When Nick and Whitney returned from their honeymoon, they shared with John and Elaine how much they had loved reading the letters, and how much they appreciated it. They also shared something really neat. The letter Whitney had written was dated, and guess what the date was? Nick's birthday, how awesome is that? God knew when Whitney was writing that letter who she would marry and when his birthday was. I love when God lets us see those God winks. Some people would call that luck or chance or pure coincidence. But I don't serve a God of chance, coincidence or luck. Psalm 139:16 says "You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every MOMENT was laid out before a single day had passed." Nothing happens in my life that He didn't already know. So I love it when those things happen. It is like God winks and says, check it out, every little detail falls into place in my timing, and I want to share those little secrets with you..
One of those winks happen to me just a few weeks ago. While Brett and I were traveling three weekends in a row, we listened to Brett's MP3 player, and would try and guess who sang each song. Brett is so much better at that than I am. Anyway, I was reading a book. Renee Swope "A Confident Heart," awesome book by the way highly recommend it. I was reading and in the book she was talking about waking up one morning feeling discouraged, but the night before she had set her alarm to a christian station. While she was laying there fighting feeling inadequate, a song came on the radio and she was relaying the words, she said it was a Twila Paris song "God is in Control". I love Twila Paris, so made a mental note that Monday, I needed to look up that song. I hadn't gotten two paragraphs down the page when Brett said, who sings this song? I had been reading so wasn't really paying attention. I picked up the MP3 player and saw the name Twila Paris. I thought how cool is that, then the name of the song flashed across, you guessed it "God is in Control". A God wink, not chance, not coincidence, not luck.
A wink, as if to say, yes this life story is yours but I wrote and created it. Nothing happens that I don't already know. There is no chance, no luck, no coincidence, it is all part of a intricate, carefully laid out plan created just for you. Thank you God that I am not relying on luck, or chance or random coincidences and thank you for those times you wink and remind me of that.
Thanks for reading!
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