Wednesday, June 17, 2015

God's perfect sleeping pill

As I sat down to read my bible this morning before heading off to work it started to rain.   I finished what I was reading and  then just sat and closed my eyes and listened to the rain.

There is something so peaceful about rain falling down.  It doesn't matter what it is hitting.  It can be the trees, the window, the roof, the deck, the ground.   It instantly brings a sense of peace to your surroundings.  If my schedule had allowed I could have sat in the chair all morning and listened.  I would have eventually fallen asleep though, because for me, rain is like God's perfect sleeping pill.  

We have had a chance over the last week to experience rain here in Southern Illinois.  On Saturday I was out at the lake and there were showers off and on all afternoon.  The boat dock has a metal roof, so even though at some points the rain was coming down really hard, it still made you want to curl up under a beach towel and just listen.  It doesn't matter if the rain is hard, or gentle, if it's storming or barely a drizzle there is something soothing about the sound.

When you think about it though it must just have something to do with the sound of water.  The sound of a babbling brook, the sound of crashing waves, the rain, a water fall they are all sounds that will calm your nerves, relax your soul, and bring a sense of peace to your spirit.

Jesus has that same effect on our soul.  In the same way the sound of water flows over and calms us, so does Jesus love and mercy. Sometimes, like waves, the sound crashes over us, taking us by surprise and engulfing us completely.  At other times, like a slow drizzling rain, it gentle soaks us to the skin.  Sometimes, just like an amazing waterfall, we are struck speechless at the majesty and beauty of His grace and mercy.

In the same way, the sound of water in any form is a balm for my mood and spirit.   Jesus love, grace, and mercy are a balm for my soul.

John 7:38 says "He who believes in me, as the scriptures has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water."

Jesus is the living water, could be the connection.

Keep that in mind as we gear up for some heavy rains over the next couple of days.  



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