I sat at the hospital today while my 99 year old grandmother had a partial hip replacement.
While I sat by her bed waiting for her to go back in surgery my thoughts literally were, God why would you do this? Why would you put this poor little old woman through this?
She is in pain right now, hip surgery is a major surgery with a major recovery process. She is 99 what purpose could there be in this?
They came in and prepared to take her down, they covered all the complications that could go wrong because of her age. They covered her DNR. And I continued to question Why?
We gathered around her bed and prayed before they took her to surgery.
I went to the cafeteria with all of my family to have lunch and wait to hear something.
In less time than expected they called to say the surgery had went fine with no complications.
Before the expected time she was back in her room. Awake for the most part and doing well. I was still questioning why?
She now faces a major recovery and rehab process at 99. Actually 99 1/2. I still am questioning why?
I leave the hospital, come home and sit out on the deck for awhile with my bible. I open my bible and ask God to show me something that would answer my WHY questions. I read in Joshua for awhile because that is where I have been reading. No answers, I read about Joshua conquering kings and lands but I can't connected that to my Grandmother in any way.
I flip over to Psalms because Psalms always comforts me.
I open to Psalm 9:1 and it says "I will praise you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all the marvelous things you have done."
Hits like a ton of bricks!! Because it is not possible that my Grandmother at 99 and 1/2 survived a surgery, let alone came through it with flying colors without it being God in control. What an amazing thing God did today and I continued to question WHY?
So instead of asking WHY? I am saying praise to God that he might very well be preparing this woman to see her 100th birthday in less than 6 months. What an amazing accomplishment and honor that could be for her.
What an amazing God we serve!!! Thank you God for the miracles you performed in my Grandmother today!!
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