Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Little ship/ Big ocean

Brett and I recently went on our first cruise.  An amazing, wonderful, fun trip.

When we pulled up to the port, and got out of the car I was amazed by the size of the ship.  I knew it was going to be big, but I was just not prepared for how big.  I remember thinking how is it possible for this huge, heavy boat full of people to stay afloat?

We got on and again I was astonished at the size, at how many floors there were.  How long the hallway to get to our room was.  It seemed we walked forever before we found our room number.

It's funny how fast perspective can change.  After two days of being out to sea and not seeing ANY land for two days I began to think about how small that boat really was in all that water.  Isaiah 40:12 says, "God measured the waters in the hollow of His hand."

Two days without seeing any land is a lot of measuring, thats a lot of water!

Brett and I went out on the deck one evening before going to dinner.  As I looked out over all that beautiful blue water, I thought about how small that boat really was.  As I thought about how small that boat was, I began to think about how small I was on that boat.  In the whole picture of things I was like a mite of dust on a piece of sand.  Brings into perspective how insignificant we really are.

But at that very instance the holy spirit spoke to my heart and said but isn't it amazing that as small  and insignificant as you are the God of the universe, the creator, wants communion with you.  God wants you to communicate with Him.  He doesn't NEED me to communicate with Him, he WANTS me to.

God wants to HEAR my prayers.  In the same way we as parents like to hear the sound of our children's voices and laughter.  God likes to hear mine, he likes to hear me pray out loud.  It's not a ritual, or something to cross off my to do list.  It's an honor and a privilege.  One I should not take for granted.  The God of the universe hears my prayers.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."

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