Saturday, January 14, 2017

Chocolate for my Soul

I love chocolate.  Chocolate with almonds, chocolate with Carmel, chocolate with peanut butter, chocolate with mint, chocolate chip cookies, chocolate covered strawberries, milk chocolate, white chocolate, pretty much any kind of chocolate except dark chocolate or chocolate with coconut.  With the exception of those two it doesn't take much to tempt me to take a bite.  If its at the house I need to keep it in the cabinet or hidden somewhere so it is out of sight and out of mind.

My prayer for the New Year has been for God to put a deep desire in my heart for his word.  An unquenchable desire to read his word, to know his word, and to understand it.

Why do I have to pray that?????  I don't pray for the desire for chocolate, in fact sometimes when I am dieting I pray he takes that desire away.  So, what is wrong with my heart that I have to pray for the desire to crave God's word.  That I have to pray for the desire to read his love letter to me.

 Brett was in the Navy the whole time we were dating.  We spent most of our dating time apart.  That was years ago before cell phones, before texting, before face time.  There were phones, but they were on the wall and a call was long distance and cost money.   Therefore, 90% our communication was through letters.  Trust me when a letter came in the mail it didn't sit on my dresser unopened until I got around to reading it.  I ripped it open and couldn't wait to read what he wrote.  Nothing touches your  heart like a love letter, so why am I not as anxious to open God's word and see what he wrote to me????

I am not totally cold and hard hearted, when I sit down and read my bible my spirit is renewed, it is like a sweet  piece of chocolate to my soul, it is like a reading a love letter.  But "things" get in the way of doing that. Things like TV, social media, even good study books can get in my way.

When I walk by and see my bible sitting on the coffee table, the desire to pick it up and read it isn't always there. In fact if I am totally honest sometimes I don't even realize it is there. But, when I walk by a dove chocolate sitting on the counter I can't pass it up.

So my continued prayer this year is that he will place an unquenchable thirst in my soul for his word. I hate that I need to pray that but I also know that if we ask he is faithful to answer.

Maybe you are reading this and think what a slug, how can she not desire God's word?  If that is the case pray that he answers my prayer.  But maybe you are reading this and can relate.  If that is the case join me this year in praying for a deeper desire and craving for his word in your life.

Matthew 21:22 "And all things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive."

I believe we can all use a little more chocolate for our souls and bonus its calorie free.

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