Friday, January 20, 2017

Motherhood - It's a tough job.

I woke up this morning with a head cold, so instead of getting up with Brett to exercise I stayed in bed for another hour of sleep.  Rarely do I remember dreams but when I woke from that hour of sleep I remembered my dream.  It was very real and very strange.

Brittany and Chris were little kids again.  I came home from somewhere and the house was a wreck. In the dream I remember trying to get them to help clean up everything.  Instead of cleaning up they were all excited to show my everything they had created in the chaos. I kept my cool for a little while but then my patience wore thin.  I reverted back to my old stand by of yelling to get them to do something.

As soon as I started to yell I looked up and all the women who I viewed as perfect moms were lined up along the wall just staring at me. I felt like they were judging me.  When I woke up I felt so bad but then I realized it was a dream.

One thing I know here in the second half of life, is that we all have "failed" mommy days.  Or what we deem as failed.  I also know that if you raise your children according to God's word, He gives you just enough good days to balance out those days we think are failures.  Proverbs 22:6 says "Train up a child in the way he should go.  And when he is old he will not depart from it."  

I also know those other moms better on this side too, and see them in a different light.  I know they were struggling just as much as I was.  Instead of pretending I had it all together I should have reached out on those bad days.  I should have called one of them and said I feel like a failure.  They would have encouraged me not judged me.  They would probably have appreciated the honesty.

Young moms build a support system.  Reach out to those other moms on bad days.  And encourage each other when you see someone doing something well.  Moms of kids who are grown, say a positive word when you see a young Mom getting it right.  And give her a word of encouragement when you see one having a rough day.  

Motherhood.  It should be a bond that draws us together not one that pulls us apart.  This season too shall pass.  All too soon it will pass.  I loved that season but wouldn't want to go back and do it over again.  I am excited for the next season, grandmahood.  I hope in that season I have more patience, take more time to listen, and worry less about the clutter.  

Brittany and Chris thank you for not judging my "failed" days, not needing therapy from all the yelling, and allowing me grace in my young mom days.  


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