Tuesday, November 13, 2012


 I have been watching all the, "what I am thankful for" posts on face book this month.  I didn't participate, but was thinking today if I had, I would have put I am thankful for music. Music is one of those things that only brings up good memories for me.

One of the few memories I have of my Dad is associated with singing.  I remember riding with him in the car.  I wasn't very old, five or under.  It was an old car (remember this is a blog about the second half), so it had those big door arm rests.  There were no seat belt laws or car seat rules back then.  So, I was sitting on the passenger arm rest, with the window down, wind blowing in my face, radio on, singing at the top of my lungs. I don't remember the song but, I can still see my Dad smiling.

I remember going to my grandparents little ole country church with my Mom.  I can hear the piano playing,  standing between my Mom and Grandma.  I can hear the congregation raising their voices together to the hymn "The Old Rugged Cross".  Lifting their hearts together in praise and worship to their savior and the cross He died on.

I remember being at my Grandma Hanks' house.  I can still see "Pappy" sitting in the rocking chair. A baby on his knee, rocking away singing from his heart, "by and by when the evening comes, when the saints of God are gathered home".  It is a safe, comforting, warm, happy memory.

I can remember hours spent singing together with my Aunt Joyce along with the radio.  We would sing about Tammy Wynette's "D-I-V-O-R-C-E", Lynn Anderson's "Rose Garden", Anne Murray's "Snowbird", and every song The Carpenter's ever sang, "Close to You", "Top of The World", and "Rainy Days and Mondays". Those were the days before Karaoke, when hair brushes were your microphone.

Then there were hours spent singing on our picnic table with my best friend Tory.  We would belt out at the top of our lungs, Olivia Newton John, Air Supply,  Barry Manilow, and our all time favorite Helen Ready, "I am woman, hear me roar, in numbers too big to ignore."  No video games, no computers, no cell phones, no laptops, just the two of us singing a simple song for hours.

There are song memories that make me automatically laugh, Brittany and Tory singing "Lean on Me" on a street corner in Chicago.  I think they even made a couple of bucks.  The year the Sapp's recorded a CD at Christmas.  Brittany, Greg, and Scott's rendition of "We Wish You a Merry Christmas".  Every time my family sings "Happy Birthday" to someone it makes me laugh.

One of the best parts of road trips with Brett, is turning up the radio and singing together.  He has a great voice and I love to hear him sing. We both share a love for music.  The funny thing is, even though we share that passion, Brett likes the music, I like the lyrics.  Maybe another small way we compliment each other.  

Then there are Sunday mornings when I watch Chris play drums or guitar on the worship team, and it brings tears to my eyes.  Not out of pride, though he is very good, but because I am so glad he uses that talent to honor God, instead of in a bar somewhere.

Fifteen years ago or so Christian music exploded on the scene, or I just really became aware of it then.  God has used song lyrics to speak to me so often, to show me something, or to confirm something.  I am thankful through rhapsody that I can have access to so much music.  I love it when I am reading my bible, and a verse I read, is the lyrics to a song I know.  Think of how many bible verses you might  know because you know the lyrics to songs.

It is ironic that I have such a love for music, but no talent in it.  I am surrounded by people who do have that talent.  Brett, his Mom and all of his siblings have beautiful voices.  Both of my sisters and nieces have a talent for singing. My nephew has a great ability to rewrite song lyrics.  My kids are both musical inclined, both can sing and both have the lessons and talent to be able to play different instruments. I unfortunately only have a love for it no talent.

There are tons of verses in the bible that talk about singing, which makes me think, God loves music also.  I found over 20 verses in the Psalms alone that refer to singing. David believed in honoring God in song.  I believe David must have also had a love for music, no surprise since he was a man after God's own heart.

One of my favorite verses about song is Psalm 66:1, "Make a joyful noise unto God, all ye lands."   Makes me think, that even for those of us who don't have a natural talent, God still accepts our offering of a joyful noise.  I hope, like other sacrifices, it is the state of the heart that God looks at and not the song it's self.  

Thank you God for music and all the happy memories wrapped up in it.    
Thanks for reading.

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