Monday, April 15, 2013

Don't Forget Your Underwear

Once again, the title of this blog is "Second Half".  It is about life after 50.  For some reason a lot of my friends have not reached that magic age yet.  So, when I get a call from one of them informing me of something funny they did it doesn't make me feel quite so old.

A couple of weeks ago I got such a call from one of them.  I was in the bathroom getting ready for work and my phone rang.  When I saw the name on the phone I thought oh no something must be wrong, this friend doesn't normally call me early in the morning.  So, I picked it up.  At first I didn't really know if she was laughing or crying.

She said you will never believe what I just did and I realized she was laughing.  I thought this is going to be good.  She said I got to work and realized I forgot my bra.  Now if you are a guy reading this I realize you are like so?  Apparently forgetting under garments is a much more tragic event for females than males.  Hence the reason she called me and not her husband.  Fortunately for her the weather was still cool and she could wear her jacket.   But, rest assured she knew something was missing all day.

We all have those fashion mishap stories.  A few years ago, when Brittany was still living in St Louis, working at a large office complex, she called me one morning laughing.  She said I got to work this morning, pulled in the parking garage, got out and started across the parking lot.  She said I looked down and still had on my fuzzy house slippers.  Unfortunately, fuzzy house slippers, are not proper work attire at Jones even on a casual Friday.  That story has a happy ending though.  As luck would have it, a large mall was right across the street from her office.  She got a new pair of shoes.  If you know my daughter that was "A Happy Day".

And just this week, the weather warmed up enough for flip flops (my personal fashion addiction). So, at the last minute I pulled the tote from the top of the closet.  I grabbed out two and slipped them on.  When I sat down in the living room I looked down and realized I had on one navy blue and one black flip flop.  I quickly changed before leaving the house.

We all have those stories.  Whether we forgot to put something on, zip something up, or walk out mismatched.  We all have those times when we are just to preoccupied, too busy, or running too late to double check.  Usually they make us laugh, but at the same time they mess up our day.

As woman we love our accessories and rarely leave the house without them.  If each morning, we took just a few minutes to put on some very special accessories, our days would go so much better.  If we stopped and fastened the belt of truth, put on the under armor of God's righteousness, and slipped into the shoes of peace that come from the good news, how would that impact our day?  If we slid on the shield of faith, adjusted the helmet of salvation, and spent a few minutes tying on the word of the spirit-God's word, think how differently our days would start out.  As you accessorize in the morning think about those special gifts, gifts given to you by your Father.

Ephesians 6:14-17 "Stand your ground, putting on the belt of truth and the body armor of God's righteousness.  For shoes, put on the peace that comes from the Good News so that you will be prepared.  In addition to all of these, hold up the shield of faith to stop the fiery arrows of the devil.
Put on salvation as your helmet, and take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

Thanks for reading!  Would love to hear YOUR fashion mishaps post in the comments and share.

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