Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Utility Players

Maybe your one of those lucky individuals who has always known what God's plan was for your life.  You struck out on that path and are still headed down that road.  That's not the case for me.  Even at 50 something there are still days I find myself saying "what is it God wants me to do with my life."

I was having one of those chains of thought this morning.  And I felt God say, maybe I just need some utility players.  Only by hosting Miners baseball players in past years did that mean anything to me.

You see out of the 10-15 players we hosted over the years most of them were pitchers.  Not all, but at least a third.  Pitchers are really good at one thing.  They know their job and train and practice for that one thing.  In fact a pitcher doesn't just know that he's a pitcher.  They know if they are a starter, a reliever, or a closer.  Even more specialized in what they do.  And they are a very important part of the team.  In fact they probably get the most attention of anyone on the team.  However, they know they couldn't stand on the mound and play the game alone.  They rely on the team standing behind them.

One player we had stay with us, was a utility player.  Justin spend two summers with us and became a close part of our family.  Justin wasn't a particular "hot shot" in any one area, but he was strong in a lot of different areas.  He could play infield or outfield positions, he was a strong, steady hitter, and he was a fast runner.  He was a player coach Pinto could move around and use in different spots as needed.  For that reason he was an important and integral part of the team.

It was fun to watch Justin play because he loved the game, and knew the game.  He knew the ins and outs of the game, which probably made him most effective as a utility player. He had a good understanding of how the team worked together.  What all the different roles and positions were.  He didn't care where he was playing he just loved to play.  He was available, ready and willing where ever he was placed.

I began to think about that in my walk with God.  Maybe I am a utility player.  Maybe I am just trying to hard to find my spot.   God doesn't give everyone the talents to be a pitcher.  Besides, how effective would a baseball team be if it were made up of only pitchers or only catchers or only first basemen.  I am sure it wouldn't make the playoffs.

How much more effective would I be if I just loved God, and was willing to show up, and play whatever position he assigned me that day?  That isn't saying I think I am strong in that many areas, or that like Justin I have a lot of different talents.  In my case I think it just starts with being willing to say each morning "God here I am, suited up ready to go, what position on the field do YOU want me to take today?"

1 Corinthians 12:17-20:  If the whole body were an eye, where would the sense of hearing be?  If the whole body were an ear, where would the sense of smell be?  But in fact God has placed the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be.  If they were all one part, where would the body be?  As it is, there are many parts, but one body.

Hmmm utility player doesn't sound so bad.  What position are you????


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