Sunday, June 14, 2015

Difference between Men and Women

For the last month or so Brett and I have been walking every morning.  For anyone who doesn't know me, this is a small miracle.  Unlike my husband I am not a morning person.  So the fact that I would get up at 5:30 each morning, and enjoy being up at that time is nothing short of a God thing.

Over the last couple of days I have made an observation of our walking.  We walk like we live our lives.  My eyes are on the road in front of me.  I am watching the road for snakes, I am measuring out the next marker to walk to.  The next house, the next tree, the next curve.  Tunnel vision on what is ahead.

Brett on the other hand is all over the road.  He is checking out everything all around us.  What is in the ditch, what kind of flower is that, birds in the air.  Constantly watching for cars behind us.  He is totally aware of everything around us.  Saying hello to people out on their porches, or getting their paper.

I mentioned that on our walk this morning.  His comment was probably right on target.  He said, "if your people (meaning all A type personalities) created roads there would only be interstates from point A to point B. My people (anyone who isn't an A type) would create the side-roads, that go by mountains and streams."

My question was how do we walk together then?

I have been thinking about that today.  If our paths are so different, what keeps us walking this path that is our journey together?

I realized it is because we have both chosen to walk one road together.  That narrow road.  The one that says we both choose to put Jesus first, in our separate lives and in our relationship.  Doesn't mean we have it right all the time.  Doesn't make us above anyone else.  Doesn't mean we have arrived.  It just means as we walk that narrow road together we have each other.

There are mornings that I don't want to get out of bed and walk, and Brett says come on get up, or vice versa.  It is the same on that narrow road.  There are days one of us may say, I am not feeling it today.  We may feel down or discouraged and the other one is there saying come on get up.  Keep your eyes on the prize, on what is important.

One of my favorite parts of walking is that we pray together while we are walking.  No elaborate sonnets,  just simple sentence prayers of thanks, and requests of things we know are going on in the lives of people around us.  Just Brett and I walking along sharing our lives with our heavenly Father.  That's what the narrow road is also just Brett and I going along sharing life with our heavenly Father.

I hope you are finding your way on the narrow road.

Matthew 7:14 "But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it."

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