Thursday, July 9, 2015


Shhhhh don't tell anyone, but sometimes I get really frustrated.  To make it worse sometimes it is God I get really frustrated with.  That is something as a pastors wife I feel like I am not allowed to say out loud.  Let alone actually put down in writing.  But I do.

I get frustrated with things I see around me.  I get frustrated when I see things around me that I think are unfair.

I get frustrated when I feel like people around me are not reaping what they sow.  When people are constantly doing the wrong thing yet constantly skating by with no consequences or repercussions.

I get frustrated when I see people that are doing it all right yet seem like they are getting nowhere.

I get frustrated when I see what I consider "good" people struggling.

Why do I get frustrated?  Mainly because I can not see the complete picture.

I live in this small box, I am hampered by feelings, emotions, and reactions.  But my God is so much BIGGER than this box of mine.

And I know that, I know that from experience.  I know that, because so many times in my life I have had a plan, an expectation, and I have watched God surpass that plan a hundred times over.

So even though I know that, even though I know God's plans are so much bigger than mine.  God's thoughts are far beyond my thoughts.  (Isaiah 55:8) "my thoughts are nothing like your thoughts,"says the Lord. "And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine."

Yet still I get frustrated when God doesn't do it my way.  Cause like Sarah I am a woman with a plan, and I am a woman of action.

So, why do I get frustrated?  Because I want it my way in my time.  Because I am selfish and I am impatient.  But when I get frustrated, if I would just take a few minutes.  If I would look back over those other times in my life where God has blown my little box out of the water.  Then I would sit back, I would breathe, and I would wait patiently to see what he is going to do.

If you are struggling with frustration today, if you are impatient, if you are selfish just know that God's plan will probably be outside your box.  Wait for it!

2 Thessalonians 3:5 "May the Lord direct your hearts to the love of God and to the steadfastness of Christ."



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