Sunday, October 30, 2016

Judas WENT

So this week as I was reading in Matthew.  I came across a verse I am sure I  read many times.  But it was one of those where it was as if it was suddenly just put in my bible.  Like it hadn't been there before, like I had never read it.  When I know I had to have.

The verse is Matthew 26:14, " Then Judas Iscariot, one of the twelve disciples, went to the leading priests and asked, How much will you pay me to betray Jesus to you?"

Judas WENT to the religious leaders. His betrayal took on another level for me.  My heart broke at this verse for the first time.

It wasn't as if the religious leaders studied the disciples and sought Judas out as the weak link that they might be able to convince.  It wasn't as if Judas came upon a meeting of the disciples and they were able to suck him in.  Judas went to them and asked what will you give me, how can I benefit by betraying my friend, my mentor, my Lord?

It's one thing to commit murder in the heat of an argument or lose your temper, and take a life.  It's another thing to set out and plot and scheme to take someone's life.

It's one thing to commit adultery with a drunken one night stand.  It's another thing to intentionally whoa, and pursue another person when you have a spouse.

It's one thing to tell a simple lie like when a friend says, how does my new hair cut look?  It's another thing to intentionally build your life on lies.

Or is it?

I say I believe sin is sin and that I don't believe in levels of sin.  If that is what I believe then it does''t matter if intent is involved.  Truth is if I am living my life with Jesus as the center there are not levels of sin.

If my life is right with God then I should not put myself  in a situation where my anger could get that far out of hand.  I wouldn't be in a situation to be in a drunken one night stand.  If I really live my life on truth I would find a way to tell my friend I liked her hair better the other way.

Jesus was not surprised by Judas betrayal he knew it had to be done to fulfill scripture.  It didn't hurt him more that Judas went to the leaders or if the leaders had come to him.  It was betrayal either way.

I should live my life and examine my life based on what I  say I believe.  That sin is sin no matter what, that there isn't an out to explain my sin away intentional or not.  But how do we do that?

 One step, wherever you are now take the next step closer to Jesus.  Not sure how to do that?  Come visit us at Redemption Church on Sunday mornings at 10:00 AM.  Or private message me.  I would love to share.

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