Wednesday, March 15, 2017

When My Husband Prays for me

My two favorite texts to receive from my husband are "I love you" and "P".

The first one lets me know that he is thinking about me and that makes me smile.  But the second one "P", which is our code for praying for you, means even more.  It means that he went to the throne for me.  It means not just that he is thinking about me, but that he went one step further and is interceding for me.

There isn't a whole lot of things that will make a wife feel more protected or loved than to know that her husband spends time praying for her.  It makes you feel protected in two ways.  The first is obvious, your husband is asking God to watch over you, or to help you through a struggle, or just that you have a great day.

The second thing it does, it gives you confidence in your husbands relationship with God.  If he is praying for you then he is in communication with the Father.  If Brett is leading, and I am following him, I want to know he is seeking instruction from the right source. It gives me confidence in his leadership if I know he is praying and I see him reading his bible.

Another thing that melts my heart is when Brett prays out loud with me.  There are Sundays when Brett will ask me to go to the alter to pray with him.  There is something so humbling about hearing your husband pray and ask God to make him a better husband.  To ask for forgiveness in areas where he feels he has failed. To hear him thank the father for you.

Men if you want to melt your wife's heart, let her hear your earnest and heart felt prayers.  It will change your relationship.  It may also change your relationship with God.

1 Peter 3:7 "Likewise, husbands, live with your wives in an understanding  way, showing honor to the woman as the weaker vessel, since they are heirs with you of the grace of life, so that your prayers may not be hindered."

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