Friday, April 7, 2017

Praying for your Husband

Have you ever had those times in your marriage when your husband just drives you crazy?  You know, those little quirks that you loved about him when you were dating, but now they are like finger nails on a chalkboard, or teeth scraping a fork?  REALLY? I find it hard to believe that I might be the only one.

Or maybe you are in one of those ruts in your marriage where you are in the compare trap?  My husband doesn't send me flowers like Lisa's husband, or mine doesn't open doors for me like Sally's husband does.  You begin to only see the things he doesn't do instead of the things he does.

I will be honest, I have been in both of these places at one time or another in my marriage and maybe not too long ago.  It's in these spots that I might begin to pray "God please change this in Brett, please make him more like Bob, please make him stop doing that one thing that drives my Mom crazy.  God please change him."   That is a dangerous and slick slope to be on.

I have the secret for you.  I read it years ago; tried it and it really works.  When I am in those places, I have learned, instead of praying "God please change Brett."   I have learned to pray, "God, let me see Brett through Your eyes."

Do you know what happens when I do?  Brett doesn't change, but my attitude toward Brett does. Those little quirks that are getting on my nerves begin to fade away.  Instead of noticing the things he doesn't do.  I begin to notice the things he does.  Like picking up a McDonalds tea for me on Sunday mornings, or unloading the dishwasher every single morning.  Helping with the laundry, running the sweeper, making me laugh. Things like asking for my opinion and not just forging ahead, or overlooking when I am tired and grumpy.

I also begin to see his strengths.  Those qualities that God has formed in him.  Those things I love about him.  I see his integrity.  I see how he takes time for people.  I see his servant's heart.  Those things that are important to God also become important to me.

So the next time your husband is driving you crazy, or you catch yourself starting to compare, STOP, pray, and ask God to let you see your husband through His eyes.  Your husband won't change but your attitude will.

I have to believe that a praying wife is a thing of beauty to her husband.

1 Peter 3:3 "Don't be concerned about the outward beauty of fancy hairstyles, expensive jewelry, or beautiful clothes.  You should clothe yourselves instead with the beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so  precious to God.  This is how the holy women of old made themselves beautiful.  They put their trust in God and accepted the authority of their husbands."

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